I've been really enjoying playing with the Serverless framework [https://serverless.com/] recently. The FaaS (Function-as-a-Service) model really appeals to me, and I think it's going to be A Big Deal in the future. The Serverless
A collection of 66 posts
Using DynamoDb with Serverless
I've been playing a lot with the Serverless framework [https://serverless.com/] since they moved from v0.x to v1 (which is currently in beta). I really like the direction they've taken it, and have been
How to get good at DevOps
DevOps is the new Big Data. People aren't really sure what it means exactly, but that isn't going to stop them putting it down as a requirement for a job... I have been doing development and
Understanding CloudWatch Events
When I first used CloudWatch Events [https://blog.rowanudell.com/scheduling-lambda-functions-with-the-aws-cli/] I knew just enough to get the job done. As I've played with it more, I've realised that the official docs [https://docs.aws.amazon.
Sydney Serverless Meetup
Just before the AWS Summit [https://aws.amazon.com/summits/sydney/agenda/] last month I attended the Inaugural Sydney Serverless Meetup [www.meetup.com/Sydney-Serverless-Meetup-Group/events/229430954/]. I gave a lightning talk introducing Apex [http://apex.run/] for managing Lambda
Updating Security Groups with Lambda
> Paying for idle is so 2015 I had some Lambda Functions that scraped data from the Internet, and stored them in a database. Locking-down the RDS Security Group to only Lambda Functions turned out to be more complicated than
Visualising EC2 Security Groups
Here's my first attempt at visualising AWS EC2 Security Groups in something other than a boring table: You can mouse over a SG name to see it's inbound (green) and outbound (red) connections to other groups/
Using Apex v0.5.0 to manage Lambda functions
I had read about Apex [https://github.com/apex/apex] and knew I wanted to try it out. The new announcement about v0.5.0 [https://medium.com/@tjholowaychuk/apex-v0-5-0-85b006f75b68#.z1rzocnsb] gave me the motivation to do it. The newly