
A collection of 8 posts

AWS IAM:PassRole explained

A common point of confusion when getting started with AWS IAM, and when trying to implement "least privileges" on IAM is the message "is not authorized to perform: iam:PassRole on resource". Usually this refers to

Effective Actions for AWS IAM

TL;DR I made Effective IAM Actions [https://bigorange.cloud/actions/], a small tool to expand wildcards "*"in IAM Policy Actions [https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_policies_elements_action.html] so that you can

Federated CodeCommit Access

CodeCommit access via federated credentials is the way to go. You're not using long-lived Access Keys are you? Bad engineer! Stop that! For better or worse, federated IAM access requires you to use the HTTPS endpoint with a