Everything you need to know about the AWS CloudFormation Public Registry, and nothing you don't.
A collection of 7 posts
AWS Accounts With Leading Zeros
AWS accounts with leading zeros can play havoc with your YAML, so use ARNs instead.
The CloudFormation Layer Cake
So I've had the idea of this post for a while. Like "3 years ago" a while: CFN Layer Cake FTW!I first came across the idea of the CloudFormation Layer Cake from this AWS Advent
CloudFormation Examples on GitHub
AWS documentation letting you down? Never fear, GitHub can help with that! Find CloudFormation examples quickly and easily.
Edge Bundling Security Groups Redux
You can now visualise your own EC2 security groups [https://rowanu.github.io/security-groups-edge-bundling/] using edge bundling - No scripts, no downloads! This small web application takes an AWS access key id and secret access key to make requests against
CloudFormation Stack Resources Summary
We were having a discussion over on the Serverless Forum [http://forum.serverless.com/t/hitting-cloudformation-max-resources/1098/3] about CloudFormation resources, and I came up with this AWS CLI command that I could see myself using later, so I'
Using DynamoDb with Serverless
I've been playing a lot with the Serverless framework [https://serverless.com/] since they moved from v0.x to v1 (which is currently in beta). I really like the direction they've taken it, and have been