
A collection of 17 posts

Database Connections in Lambda

I hang out a lot in the Serverless forum [] and Gitter [] - I just like talking about this new-fangled FaaS (Functions-as-a-Service) thing. A common misconception that keeps coming up is that

Testing Serverless Functions Locally

I've been really enjoying playing with the Serverless framework [] recently. The FaaS (Function-as-a-Service) model really appeals to me, and I think it's going to be A Big Deal in the future. The Serverless

Understanding CloudWatch Events

When I first used CloudWatch Events [] I knew just enough to get the job done. As I've played with it more, I've realised that the official docs [

Sydney Serverless Meetup

Just before the AWS Summit [] last month I attended the Inaugural Sydney Serverless Meetup []. I gave a lightning talk introducing Apex [] for managing Lambda

Updating Security Groups with Lambda

> Paying for idle is so 2015 I had some Lambda Functions that scraped data from the Internet, and stored them in a database. Locking-down the RDS Security Group to only Lambda Functions turned out to be more complicated than

Using Apex v0.5.0 to manage Lambda functions

I had read about Apex [] and knew I wanted to try it out. The new announcement about v0.5.0 [] gave me the motivation to do it. The newly