I really enjoy my [http://tim.blog/welcome-to-5-bullet-friday/] weekly [http://www.hackernewsletter.com/] newsletters [http://javascriptweekly.com/] and I didn't get to go to ServerlessConf in Austin [https://austin.serverlessconf.io/] last week, so instead I started the
A collection of 16 posts
Redirects in Serverless
Now that the Lambda Proxy Integration [http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/integrating-api-with-aws-services-lambda.html] is a thing for API GW [https://aws.amazon.com/api-gateway/], performing redirects is a much simpler - and more sane - thing to
CloudFormation Stack Resources Summary
We were having a discussion over on the Serverless Forum [http://forum.serverless.com/t/hitting-cloudformation-max-resources/1098/3] about CloudFormation resources, and I came up with this AWS CLI command that I could see myself using later, so I'
The Serverless Compute Manifesto
While watching the Building Complex Serverless Applications [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCOgc3MRUrs] talk from re:Invent 2016 I discovered The Serverless Compute Manifesto. I couldn't find it reproduced in an easy to use format, so here
Hands On With Serverless v1 Screencast
I've just finished my first Serverless screencast. Check it out and let me know what you think: It's my first screencast, so there's lots of things that I'd like to fix in
Testing Serverless Functions Locally
I've been really enjoying playing with the Serverless framework [https://serverless.com/] recently. The FaaS (Function-as-a-Service) model really appeals to me, and I think it's going to be A Big Deal in the future. The Serverless
Using DynamoDb with Serverless
I've been playing a lot with the Serverless framework [https://serverless.com/] since they moved from v0.x to v1 (which is currently in beta). I really like the direction they've taken it, and have been
Sydney Serverless Meetup
Just before the AWS Summit [https://aws.amazon.com/summits/sydney/agenda/] last month I attended the Inaugural Sydney Serverless Meetup [www.meetup.com/Sydney-Serverless-Meetup-Group/events/229430954/]. I gave a lightning talk introducing Apex [http://apex.run/] for managing Lambda