
A collection of 66 posts

Deny all external principals assume role

This interesting policy question on re:Post about how you can prevent principals outside of an AWS organization from assuming a role in your organization. The asker originally requests an SCP to do this, but SCPs cannot apply to principals

AWS SAM policy templates

A feature I think everyone (including myself!) should use more is AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) policy templates. This approach is a great example of "syntactic sugar" that characterises the AWS SAM approach. As an example, a frequent

Big Bets Framework

This post is a bit different from my regular programming, so if you're only here for the AWS content, just skip this one. This post is more of a summary of prioritisation and decision making I heard on


So many acronyms in that title - I promise you they actually make sense! I was doing some local development against an AWS SAM-based API built with an AWS API Gateway HTTP APIs (not to be confused with the REST