List all AWS Lambda functions running deprecated runtimes in your environment as a spreadsheet.
A collection of 17 posts
AWS managed polices: Lambda Basic Execution Role
The AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole is an AWS managed policy, and one of the most common managed policies you should consider using, at least for quick development; it's the minimum amount of permissions to see what your AWS Lambda functions are
SAM local invoke function logs with Python
Get SAM local invoke functions logging properly with Python
Serverless Cost Containment
Serverless soultions is can be incredibly cheap due to their event-based nature - if your system isn't working, you pay barely anything for it. But if you're not careful, serverless can still result in some nasty surprises when it comes to costs.
Getting started with AWS SAM CLI and Golang
Get started with golang and the AWS SAM CLI for local Lambda development.
Understand your Lambda Event Retries
Understanding the differences between the various event types and their retries is important, because it will change how you design and code your application. If you're developing a serverless application in Lambda, you will have to deal with
Serverless Operations Presentation
Last week I presented to the Sydney AWS Lambda User Group [] about serverless operations aka. LessOps. Here are the slides I used to talk about the good - and less good - things
Redirects in Serverless
Now that the Lambda Proxy Integration [] is a thing for API GW [], performing redirects is a much simpler - and more sane - thing to