With so much buzz around serverless at re:Invent 2017, I thought it would be a good time to highlight the best places and resources to find AWS-specific serverless information:

  1. AWS re:Invent 2017 Serverless Breakout Sessions on YouTube
    This YouTube playlist has most all of the serverless sessions at this year's re:Invent, so for up-to-date information it's hard to beat (for a little while, at least).

    The parent AmazonWebServices YouTube channel is also worth subscribing too, as they're constantly adding content (obviously with a more general AWS focus).

  2. Serverless Architectures with AWS Lambda
    This whitepaper is a great starting point to get you up to speed with core features and best practices for serverless applications on AWS. It's a good baseline understanding to have before progressing to more complicated scenarios.

  3. FooBar YouTube Channel
    Marcia Villalba puts out weekly (!!!) practical videos about serverless technologies on AWS. Marica is an AWS Community Hero AND a Serverless Framework Champion! 'Nuff said.

  4. AWS Lambda Reference Architectures
    Hiding near the bottom of the AWS Lambda resources page is a bunch of reference architectures using Lambda and other serverless AWS services. This is a good spot to see how some of the more common scenarios are addressed using serverless. All the examples include code.

    Some of the reference architectures include:

  5. Read A Cloud Guru
    The ACG guys have been doing serverless since before it was a thing. While their blog also covers general AWS, they have some really good serverless contributors (e.g. Ben Kehoe) that are worth following for.

  6. The Serverless Framework Blog
    While the framework supports other clouds, their blog still produces mostly AWS-based serverless material. The vast majority of their backlog is AWS focused, and there's some really practical posts in there if you're using the Serverless Framework.

  7. Serverlessconf.io's YouTube Channel and Site
    Talks from the recent Serverlessconf events have been put up online. Run by the A Cloud Guru guys the conference has talks on all the cloud platforms, and a great showing of AWS-specific speakers (e.g. Tim Wagner, Mark Nunnikhoven, etc).

  8. Serverless Framework Examples Repo
    While it's specific to the Serverless Framework, there's lots of good examples in this repository that you can reference.

  9. AWS Serverless Workshops Code
    Similar - but different - to the reference architectures above, this is a public repo with the content for a variety of AWS workshops to build serverless solutions: a web app, a deployment pipeline for serverless applications, a multi-region application, etc.

    The AWS Labs GitHub organisation is also worth checking out for a variety of AWS code samples.

  10. Serverless Application Repository (SAR)
    While the SAR isn't yet generally available at time of writing, I was lucky enough to get preview access. The SAR is a list of published Lambda-based applications that you can access through the AWS Console. You can also publish your own applications (it must use AWS SAM), so that others can launch and configure them for their own uses. It's kind of like a (free) AWS Marketplace for functions, and Lambda (as FaaS) is incredibly well suited to being shared as discrete units of functionality.

As always, if I've missed anything good please let me know in the comments below or via email.