
A collection of 43 posts

Federated CodeCommit Access

CodeCommit access via federated credentials is the way to go. You're not using long-lived Access Keys are you? Bad engineer! Stop that! For better or worse, federated IAM access requires you to use the HTTPS endpoint with a

Serverless Operations Presentation

Last week I presented to the Sydney AWS Lambda User Group [] about serverless operations aka. LessOps. Here are the slides I used to talk about the good - and less good - things

Edge Bundling Security Groups Redux

You can now visualise your own EC2 security groups [] using edge bundling - No scripts, no downloads! This small web application takes an AWS access key id and secret access key to make requests against

A last minute guide to re:Invent

I'm fortunate enough to be heading back to AWS re:Invent [] this year. If tickets aren't sold out by the time you read this, they will be soon. Here's a

Getting Started with AWS SAM Local

The AWS blog gave me a very pleasant surprise the other day: AWS SAM Local [] is in public beta. It's a golang CLI project that's distributed via NPM [https: