
A collection of 16 posts

Serverless Cost Containment

Serverless soultions is can be incredibly cheap due to their event-based nature - if your system isn't working, you pay barely anything for it. But if you're not careful, serverless can still result in some nasty surprises when it comes to costs.

Serverless AWS Twitter List

Got Twitter? Want serverless? Here are my favourite accounts - in no particular order - to keep up to date with the good serverless news and content out there. AWS Obviously the AWS staff and accounts are a good source

Serverless Operations Presentation

Last week I presented to the Sydney AWS Lambda User Group [] about serverless operations aka. LessOps. Here are the slides I used to talk about the good - and less good - things

Real World Serverless Application Examples

UPDATED: Added examples from submissions. I love seeing real-world serverless applications. This post is a collection of the best examples, break-downs, and deep-dive articles and videos I've come across recently: * [] is